Teatro Carcano Centro d’Arte Contemporanea 05 e 06.12.18
“Jack Pazzia e Amore “ – Ballet Opera – Sabrina Brazzo Andrea Volpintesta Diego Mecchi Damiano Bisozzi Jas Art Ballet Company Jas Art Ballet Junior Dir. Artistica Sabrina Brazzo e Andrea Volpintesta Orchestrated by Gaspare Bartelloni and Music Arrangement by Howl Jordan e Matteo Teani Tenore of Teatro alla Scala Ramtin Ghazavi Mezzo Soprano Marta Leung Kwing Chung, Scene, videography and Lights Salvo Sam Manganaro, Ass Scene videography Sole Fantini, Costumes by Laboratorio Artigianale di Milena Parmisciano with a support of Lineapelle, Disegn OutFit of fashion students of Istituto Marangoni Firenze, Video by Franco Covi Photographer And Videomaker, Promotion and Distribuction for JasArtBallet Maria Meoni, PressMauro Caldera
Immagini © Luca Vantusso | @ LKV Photo Agency
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